Your Pet Photo Magicians

A pet’s love is pure, beautiful, and profoundly magical.

They bring out the best in us. Our furry friends comfort us, teach us, and, of course, make us laugh! The only time they break our heart is when they move on to the spirit world.

Cody pet photographer Trista Stout holding her chihuahua dog Pancho

Because our time is too short with these precious souls, my goal is to preserve their spirit through proud display in my client’s homes. The sparkle in their eyes, the adorable face, the cozy fur, the bond that only pet parents understand–I capture that magical essence, and share it with you!

In addition to a lifelong passion for photography and pets, my work with One Last Network, Moonsong Malamute Rescue, and HeARTs Speak informs my understanding of the bond between pets and their parents.

I will be honored to create a magical memory of your furry loved one. After all, they’re more than mortal animals, more than pets, they are family!

And now, a word from our Cheese Enforcement Officer (CEO):


Hello, People. I am Pancho, the CEO of Pancho and Co. I was three years old when my new parents adopted me. Some say I was a wimp, but I just needed love! Now, I completely run this joint. Don’t let my seven pounds fool you. I am 100 percent pure attitude.

Listen here, I even know how to make mom and dad move my bed to the sunshine, heat up my wheat pillow, and feed me cheese (mmm, how I love cheese). They pretty much jump to my every whim. But I’m not spoiled, no matter what they tell you.

P.S. I hate the camera, but somehow my mom gets me to look and even pose! She’s very tricky, that one.